Thursday, November 5, 2015

Technology in KidMin - part 1 (weekend services)

What does "technology" mean in kids ministry?  Does it terrify you, or does it come as natural to you as breathing?  Is your ministry using it to its best advantage?

For me, we've moved full-swing into some aspects of technology: child checkin (a rocky start, but going well), multimedia (nailed it), online presence (mixed results), and social media (nonexistent).

But sitting around a table with others in children's ministry always brings up new aspects to technology we had never considered, or were underutilizing in a big way.  Listen in to some of the tips, tricks & resources we came up with to use technology well.  Since this is such a broad subject, I'll be breaking it up into a few blog posts to make it more manageable.  

Let's start with using technology during your weekend service.


- If you haven't jumped on this bandwagon (or are still using it ONLY to watch netflix) this is one of our favourites.  Why?
- it's low cost (about $100 per unit)
- you can manage it from any apple device (your iPhone, laptop, or purchase an iPod)
- from your pocket, you can show slideshows (download slides as photos to your computer, and they upload automatically from your apple device), music (iTunes playlists or youtube), videos... anything!  It puts the controls in your hands - not back at the tech booth - is easy to upload and simple to manage
- real-time uses: video teaching & stream it live on TV as it's happening (great for magicians & object lessons), or show off photos from that morning on the TVs while parents pick up kids (with permission, of course!)


More and more churches are moving to child check-in.  This is worth a whole series in itself, but so far the hands-down favourite is planning center online.  It's a low monthly cost (based on church size) with great add-ons useful for worship teams, scheduling and church management.  Those who have it say it's a simple & seamless transition for even the non-technology savvy.


Strategically placed screens can be a great way to have announcements, celebrations and even just ambiance as you use them (with apple TV, of course) to welcome children as they arrive and communicate with parents during pick-ups.


Technology fails.  A lot.  Having a reliable internet connection is a big deal, and a secure internet connection (especially if you are using it for managing children's information) an even bigger deal.  If you can swing it, a dedicated secure server just for your children's ministry is an expense worth investigating.


The ReThink group has put out an app for apple and android phones just for small group leaders called Lead Small.  It helps manage any small group information, gives practical tips for leading small groups (age specific - sign up for preschool, elementary or youth age groups), links to a weekly age-specific blog, has training tools, and best of all - a customizable curriculum (it uses Orange's 252 Basics as their default, but is easily switched to whatever you want) so small group leaders can access it all right there during your ministry time.  Best of all, it's on their phone and easily accessible throughout the week as well.  If you do not use Orange, it does take some time each week to upload your curriculum.

How does your ministry use technology during your services?

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